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Meet our Team of Pediatric Feeding Experts!


Kimberly Grenawitzke and Kary Rappaport make up the feeding therapy team of Feeders and Growers. Kary and Kim are pediatric occupational therapists with 25 years of combined experience working with medically complex infants, children, and families who have eating and feeding difficulties.  Both Kim and Kary’s specialties include breastfeeding, infants with cardiac defects, picky eating, Baby Led Feeding, and Modified Barium Swallow Studies (pretty much full spectrum pediatric feeding and swallowing!) Kary and Kim are passionate about making mealtime a practical, joyful, nurturing experience where families s can bond and kids can learn!


Meet Dr. Rachel Ruiz, a board-certified general pediatrician who is currently completing her pediatric gastroenterology, hepatology, and nutrition fellowship at Stanford University. She is the mother to Sofia, who was her inspiration in writing this book. Outside of the office, she enjoys experimenting in the kitchen and using Sofia and her husband, Byron, as taste testers. She also enjoys traveling with her family, getting a good workout in when she can, and of course, eating!

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